
Wolverine - Formerly Weapon Ten

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 4
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- X-Men
Dice Limit : - 4
Text :- When Wolverine attacks alone, he gains +4A and +4D.

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £7.49 incl tax

War Machine - James Rhodes

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 5
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- None
Dice Limit : - 4
Text :- When fielded, if you have Iron Man fielded, knock out an opponent's character.
Global Ability When one of your [Shield] characters damages your opponent in the attack step, pay [1 Shield] to gain 1 life.

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £2.59 incl tax

Vibranium Shield - Cap's Protection

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 5
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- None
Dice Limit : - 4
Text :- Place this die touching your target character. It does not go to your used pile. You may place this die in the used pile at any time to prevent all damage to the character for the rest of the turn.
Global Ability Pay [1 Shield] to prevent 1 damage to a character or player.

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £1.39 incl tax

Venom - Angelo Fortunato

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 6
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- Villains
Dice Limit : - 4
Text :- While Venom is active, your opponent's non-[Fist] characters get -2A and -2D.
Global Ability Pay [1 Fist] to spin an opponent's [Fist] character down 1 level.

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £5.09 incl tax

Thing - Idol of Millions

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 7
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- Fantastic Four
Dice Limit : - 4
Text :- When fielded, if your opponent has more fielded characters than you, draw and roll 3 dice (place them in your reserve pool).

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £2.59 incl tax

Silver Surfer - Sky-Rider

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 7
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- None
Dice Limit : - 4
Text :- At the start of the attack step, if your opponent has more life than you, double Silver Surfer's attack and defense.
Global Ability Once during your turn, pay [1 Shield] and take 2 dmage to draw a die and place it in your prep area.

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £1.79 incl tax

Rogue - Can't Touch This

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 6
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- X-Men
Dice Limit : - 4
Text :- When fielded, capture an opposing fielded character (until the end of the turn). Rogue copies that character's stats and abilities.

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £2.59 incl tax

Punisher - Big Nothing

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 6
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- None
Dice Limit : - 4
Text :- When Punisher assigns to attack, he deals 2 damage to each opposing character. Your opponent can prevent this effect by paying 4 life.

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £2.59 incl tax

Professor X - Charles Francis Xavier

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 6
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- X-Men
Dice Limit : - 4
Text :- While Professor X is active, your opponent cannot field characters. He or she can pay 2 life to prevent this effect for the rest of this turn.

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £3.49 incl tax

Phoenix - Jeannie

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 7
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- X-Men
Dice Limit : - 3
Text :- At the end of the attack step, each character still engaged with Phoenix deals damage equal to its attack to your opponent. Knock out those characters.
Global Ability Pay [1 Bolt]. Target character must attack.

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £2.59 incl tax

Nova - The Human Rocket

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 5
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- None
Dice Limit : - 4
Text :- Whenever Nova takes damage in an attack step, he deals 2 damage to your opponent.

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £3.49 incl tax

Nightcrawler - Circus Freak

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 4
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- None
Dice Limit : - 4
Text :- After assigning blockers, knock out one character blocking Nightcrawler (before assigning damage).

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £2.89 incl tax

Nick Fury - Patch

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 4
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- None
Dice Limit : - 2
Text :- While Nick Fury is active, your unblocked Avengers characters deal damage to your opponent twice.

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £5.09 incl tax

Mystique - Could Be Anyone

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 5
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- Villains
Dice Limit : - 4
Text :- At beginning of your turn, choose an opposing fielded character. Each of your Mystique dice copies the stats on that character's die until your next turn.

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £1.39 incl tax

Mr. Fantastic - The Invincible Man

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 5
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- Fantastic Four
Dice Limit : - 3
Text :- While blocking, you may redirect up to 2 damage from Mr. Fantastic to the character he blocks.
Global Ability Pay [1 Mask]. Target character must attack this turn.

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £3.49 incl tax

Mjolnir - Thor's Hammer

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 4
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- None
Dice Limit : - 3
Text :- Deal 4 damage to all characters other than Thor (yours and your opponent's).
Global Ability Pay [2 Bolt] to deal one damage to a target character.

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £1.79 incl tax

Magneto - Sonderkommando

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 6
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- Villains
Dice Limit : - 4
Text :- While Magneto is active, your other Villain characters get +2A and +2D (no matter how many Magneto dice you have fielded).
Global Ability Pay [1 Mask] to reroll a Villain die.

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £3.49 incl tax

Loki - Gem-Keeper

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 5
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- Villains
Dice Limit : - 4
Text :- When fielded, choose an opponent's character card, canceling all previous choices. Your opponent cannot field that character while Loki is active. This effect lasts until you field another Loki.

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £4.29 incl tax

Hawkeye - Robin Hood

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 3
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- Avengers
Dice Limit : - 4
Text :- When assigning damage in an attack step, Hawkeye assigns and resolves his damage before opposing characters.

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £2.59 incl tax

Green Goblin - Norman Osborn

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 4
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- Villains
Dice Limit : - 4
Text :- When fielded, you may roll up to 2 Sidekick dice from your used pile (you cannot roll dice that paid to field this dice; place rolled dice in your reserve pool).
Global Ability Pay [1 Bolt] and knock out one of your sidekick characters to deal 2 damage to target character.

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £4.29 incl tax

Ghost Rider - Brimstone Biker

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 4
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- None
Dice Limit : - 4
Text :- When fielded, select a die from your used pile and place it into your prep area (you cannot select a die that paid to field this die).

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £2.59 incl tax

Gambit - Cardsharp

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 5
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- X-Men
Dice Limit : - 4
Text :- When fielded, you may draw and roll one die. If you roll a character side, that character deals damage equal to its attack to your opponent and goes to your used pile (otherwise, the die goes to your reserve pool).

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £4.29 incl tax

Doctor Strange - Probably a Charlatan

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 7
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- None
Dice Limit : - 4
Text :- When fielded, search your bag for an action die and roll it (place it into your reserve pool).

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £2.59 incl tax

Doctor Octopus - Mad Scientist

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 6
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- Villains
Dice Limit : - 4
Text :- When Doctor Octopus is blocked by more than one character, he deals his full attack value in damage to each character blocking him (instead of having to split it).

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £2.59 incl tax

Doctor Doom - Victor

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 6
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- Villains
Dice Limit : - 4
Text :- When fielded, each player must knock out all but one of his or her non-Villain characters (place those knocked out dice in that player's prep area).

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £2.59 incl tax

Deadpool - Chiyonosake

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 5
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- None
Dice Limit : - 4
Text :- When Deadpool attacks, you may assign an opposing character to block him. If he knocks out that character, he deals 2 damage to each opposing character.

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £5.09 incl tax

Cyclops - Scott Summers

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 7
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- X-Men
Dice Limit : - 4
Text :- If Cyclops is blocked, you may have him deal damage to your opponent instead of his blocker(s). If you do so, he goes to your used pile during cleanup.

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £2.89 incl tax

Colossus - Piotr Rasputin

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 7
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- X-Men
Dice Limit : - 4
Text :- While Colossus is active, at the end of your turn, each of your characters of level 2 or higher deals 2 damage to your opponent (not 2 damage per Colossus die).

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £4.29 incl tax

Black Widow - Killer Instinct

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 2
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- Avengers
Dice Limit : - 4
Text :- When fielded, spin one target opponent's character down to level 1.

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £5.09 incl tax

Angel - Soaring

Comes with one die (Dice)

Cost :- 2
Type :- Mask
Affliation :- None
Dice Limit : - 4
Text :- If you used an action this turn, Angel cannot be blocked.

Stock Qty: 0

Old price: £20.17 incl tax

% £5.09 incl tax

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