SKU WTCC87490001DD Manufacturer Wizards of the Coast Availability Out of stock Notify me when available Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Dungeons of Death Commander Deck Magic the Gathering Dungeons of Death Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Commander Deck MTG £29.95 incl tax Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist Details Content per deck: 1 - 99 card deck w/ 1 speciality card 1 Premium Commander (New art) 10 Double-sided tokens 1 speciality reference card 1 insert checklist 1 Commander life tracker 1 deck box Customers who bought this item also bought Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Draft Booste... £4.00 incl tax SWSH6 Chilling Reign Pokemon Booster Pack £6.00 incl tax Kamigawa Neon Dynasty Draft Booster Pack - Magi... £3.05 incl tax Digimon CG Release Special Booster Pack Ver.1.5 £3.99 incl tax Modern Horizons 2 Magic the Gathering Set Boost... £9.00 incl tax Strixhaven School of Mages Draft Booster Pack M... £3.50 incl tax < >