SKU 13-01
Manufacturer Games Workshop
Availability 2 in stock

Arcane Journal High Elf Realms Warhammer The Old World

Arcane Journal High Elf Realms Warhammer The Old World
Old price: £16.50 incl tax
Price: £13.20 incl tax

The High Elves march to war from the ten kingdoms of Ulthuan, the mysterious island paradise where their race was birthed, to their colonies and outposts upon the infinite coastlines of distant lands. They have defended this world for millennia, battling hosts of Daemons, worshippers of the Dark Gods, and all who would try to defile and pillage it. This essential guidebook studies the rich history and background of the various cultures of High Elves, and offers rules to use them in your games of Warhammer: The Old World. When used alongside The Old World – Forces of Fantasy, this book gives you more options and in-depth rules, allowing you to muster a mighty collection of noble warriors, and get the most out of them on the tabletop.