SKU 06-101
Manufacturer Games Workshop
Availability 1 in stock

Arcane Journal Empire of Man Warhammer The Old World

Arcane Journal Empire of Man Warhammer The Old World
Old price: £16.50 incl tax
Price: £13.20 incl tax

The Empire is a vast and prosperous, if troubled, land. Since the time of Sigmar – when a hero unified the twelve tribes of Men that dwelt between the Worlds Edge Mountains and the shores of the Sea of Claws – the Empire has stood defiant in the face of the encroaching darkness.

This supplement explores the background and history of the myriad of states that make up the Empire of Man, as well as the forces and regiments that fight to defend them. Used in conjunction with Warhammer: The Old World – Forces of Fantasy, this book arms you with even more in-depth rules, allowing you to use your collection of mighty Empire of Man warriors and knights in new and exciting ways.